
Bringing interaction, energy, authenticity, and inquiry to each event

Cara is an energetic speaker-teacher invested in offering new ways to look at existing thinking. She has effectively engaged audiences of up to 1000 participants.

With a background as a professor, I am most comfortable in real-time facilitation and demonstrating exercises during the course of my speaking. I love inviting participants to make immediate efforts at applying new learning. I collaborate carefully with hosts to enhance the outcomes of my speaking engagements beyond those we initially laid out.

Speaking Topics

  • Deliberately Developmental Organizations and Their Practices
  • Here and Now:
    Present Moment Awareness
  • Getting Better Together:
    Growing Better Together
  • Deeper Inquiry:
    Ask More Powerful Questions
  • Your One Big Thing:
    Immunity to Change
  • Spiritual Development:
    Faith Stages
  • Feedback and Recognition:
    What’s It Like to Work with You?
  • Leadership
    and Organizations

In this work, my picture has gotten so much bigger, I realize that everything has at least an opposite side, if not a three-dimensional aspect to it. I went from a flat paper map, to a landscape in relief.

You could be right on the edge of a breakthrough. There’s one more door to kick down, Cara is ready to kick it down with you.

We’re still achieving but we’re losing less of ourselves while we’re doing it. I’m still leading, but I am remaining more of myself while I’m doing it.

When we started coaching I started to feel like me again – a version of me that I could stay all day long.

In coaching, I slowed down to choose my commitments differently, to know why, to see how. I started to grow the mental stamina to see more perspectives.

When I started to work and lead this different way, it really let my team spread their wings, I’m delegating better and we’re all getting more done because I know better who I am as the leader.

This work has shown me that I don’t have to choose between being a leader and being myself.

If I’m experiencing a major hold back, it is me that is holding up the process, it doesn’t need to be seen in a bad way. Accept it and find solutions to move forward.

This will go down in history as one of the most influential moments of my life… feeling empowered, knowing what I can realistically action to step myself closer to my goals.

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Workshop Topics

  • Action Inquiry
  • Complaints to Commitments:
    A Culture of Complaint
  • Critical Feedback:
    Your Greatest Asset
  • Leadership and Spiritual Development
  • The Enneagram 
and Leadership Development
  • Unconventional Conflict 
and Communication

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