
Bringing interaction, energy, authenticity, and inquiry to each event

Cara is an energetic speaker-teacher invested in offering new ways to look at existing thinking. She has effectively engaged audiences of up to 1000 participants.

With a background as a professor, I am most comfortable in real-time facilitation and demonstrating exercises during the course of my speaking. I love inviting participants to make immediate efforts at applying new learning. I collaborate carefully with hosts to enhance the outcomes of my speaking engagements beyond those we initially laid out.

Speaking Topics

  • Deliberately Developmental Organizations and Their Practices
  • Here and Now:
    Present Moment Awareness
  • Getting Better Together:
    Growing Better Together
  • Deeper Inquiry:
    Ask More Powerful Questions
  • Your One Big Thing:
    Immunity to Change
  • Spiritual Development:
    Faith Stages
  • Feedback and Recognition:
    What’s It Like to Work with You?
  • Leadership
    and Organizations

In coaching, I slowed down to choose my commitments differently, to know why, to see how. I started to grow the mental stamina to see more perspectives.

This work has shown me that I don’t have to choose between being a leader and being myself.

When I started to work and lead this different way, it really let my team spread their wings, I’m delegating better and we’re all getting more done because I know better who I am as the leader.

If I’m experiencing a major hold back, it is me that is holding up the process, it doesn’t need to be seen in a bad way. Accept it and find solutions to move forward.

In this work, my picture has gotten so much bigger, I realize that everything has at least an opposite side, if not a three-dimensional aspect to it. I went from a flat paper map, to a landscape in relief.

We’re still achieving but we’re losing less of ourselves while we’re doing it. I’m still leading, but I am remaining more of myself while I’m doing it.

You could be right on the edge of a breakthrough. There’s one more door to kick down, Cara is ready to kick it down with you.

When we started coaching I started to feel like me again – a version of me that I could stay all day long.

This will go down in history as one of the most influential moments of my life… feeling empowered, knowing what I can realistically action to step myself closer to my goals.

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Workshop Topics

  • Action Inquiry
  • Complaints to Commitments:
    A Culture of Complaint
  • Critical Feedback:
    Your Greatest Asset
  • Leadership and Spiritual Development
  • The Enneagram 
and Leadership Development
  • Unconventional Conflict 
and Communication

What does your organization need?

Tell us what you’re looking for, and Cara can tailor a speaking event or workshop just for you.

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